Challenges, Solutions, and Actions Worksheet Identified Challenges 1. Shortage of Affordable Sr Housing 2. Shortage of Affordable Family Housing 3. Poor to non-existent Transit System 4. Youth Homelessness 5. Shortage of Crisis/Transitional Housing 6. Coordinated Data Entry System 7. Connecting Needs to Resources 8. Limited Funding 9. Re-entrants Access to Housing
Identified Solutions 1. Support Valley Residential Services (VRS) Projects for Seniors 2. Support Family Promise, VRS, and Volunteers of America housing projects. 3. Attend, provide leadership, and support the MS Transportation Coordination. 4. Support MY House activities and programs. 5. Support efforts of funding for a Warming Center, Knik House, MY House, and Family Promise. 6. Work with AKHMIS, provide leadership, training new partners, and raising awareness. 7. Provide leadership, participate, and support Project Homeless Connect; support and update 211, reach out to the community and present at various community organizations. 8. Research grant opportunities, maintain current data and needs lists. 9. Re-Entrant Housing access; support the efforts of the MS Re-Entry Coalition.